
[歐洲足球場初體驗LEGIA] - 好多啤酒跟香菸啊~

[ENGLISH VERSION] => Legia 球場 我被邀請(優惠券)去觀看Legia的足球比賽,比賽於晚上8:20開始。 下午天氣晴朗,我們決定在比賽開始之前去附近用餐。 我們在Powisle(市中心)附近的一家餐館訂購了Pizza,當然要選擇坐在戶外享受美好的陽光。我喜歡華沙夏天的溫暖陽光 (果然我還是海島出身阿!), 綠地以及悠閒的氛圍。 說實話,我們所有人都很高興今年波蘭有這樣炎熱的夏天!去年可是陰雨綿綿勒 (那時大家心情都會變得很惡劣 哈哈)! 有沒有很綠!! 享用中晚餐後,我們乘坐巴士前往Legia。 花了大約8分鐘才到達這個地方。 這個地方呈現另一種氛圍。 你幾乎可以在任何地方看到Legia的標誌或標記(在牆上,在地板上等等)歐洲人對足球真的很瘋狂。 就像遠東地區棒球受歡迎,在美國籃球受歡迎一樣。 我們要做的第一件事就是兌換我的優惠卷。 我只需要在那裡註冊我的名字並選擇座位然後收到門票和禮物。 禮物是一條帶有Legia標記的圍巾。 這讓我想起了哈利波特的魁地奇。 他們也有! 我不知道擁有它的意義,但我想這是來自西方世界的文化的一部分。 快要晚上8點20分了,華沙的太陽仍然很大。 球隊排在球場上。 在比賽之前,今天的主題是華沙起義(Powstanie Warszawskie,注:華沙起義發生在1944年8月1日至10月2日。起義反對納粹。)足球隊在華沙起義標記中排成一行:P.W。 還有戰爭的大布幕顯示戰爭是多麼可怕,圖片的口號是:人類對人類造成了邪惡。 來自華沙起義的一位92歲的老英雄(爺爺)也在賽前做了5分鐘的短暫講話。 所有這些都是要求世界不要忘記過去發生的事情。:) 現在,比賽開始了! Gdansk v.s. Legia。 兩隊的強大支持者在比賽中一直在唱歌和激勵球隊。 難以置信,廣播一直宣布聲明:支持你的團隊,但請不要使用污穢語詞。 人群非常興奮,有時他們會展示Legia圍巾以支持團隊。 球場上真的有很多人,我認為這個大約是80%是滿的。 Gdansk在我看來非常強,他們在Legia強大支持者的巨大壓力下表現很好。 最...

[Poland] Warsaw <=> Serock - 波蘭國內1日12歐之旅

[ENGLISH VERSION] => [先來個比較] 12歐元坐船來回共時5小時, 再加上吃兩次冰淇淋, 跟果汁可樂 = 12歐元!乘船處跟下船處都在華沙市中心耶!超划算的~~ 來跟瑞士比12歐能幹嘛?- 一個三明治. 跟台北比呢?淡水乘船來回也要400台幣吧!! [ 正文日記] 星期五 - 晴天。 我們休假一天,享受波蘭的生活。目的地是Serock。 我對它的印像是一個小鎮。它具有共產主義風格的市政廳和自然環境。這個小鎮位於河邊,由一個小沙灘,港口,城鎮周圍的許多綠色自然景觀,歷史悠久的教堂,歷史博物館和許多豪華度假屋組成。 這是一個讓您放鬆心靈的小鎮。你會覺得時間過得比華沙慢(好吧,作為一個亞洲人,我們覺得華沙的速度很慢,即使是首都)。在Serock,您可以與伴侶或朋友一起浪漫散步,享受陽光,或坐在河邊看書或聽聽喜歡的音樂......等等。 我今天很開心,完全放鬆。最難忘的部分是Serock的水路。我們乘坐當地一艘小船前往Serock。在途中,我們首先經過一條長長的綠色隧道,然後是湖泊和Serock港口。從華沙到Serock花了2.5個小時(回程3小時),實際上並沒有那麼糟糕:)。感覺到微風和陽光穿過身體,可以從新鮮空氣中深呼吸。在船上很愉快。 廢話不多說, 上圖! Hello from the boat. 船上 The Green Tunnel 綠色渠道: 差不多要進入湖泊了! 很多年長者在船上,但有些人會說英語! 他們在談論他們在英國的經歷: 大湖到了, 好久不見的天鵝! 港口到囉! 可愛的大鳥正在陽光下休息,驚訝的是它們面向同一個方向:波波先生說這是因為鳥都在看我, 他們的眼睛都長在側邊~ O_ O 高級度假屋~ 這座14世紀的教堂位於城鎮的高處,您可以從這座教堂的背面觀看水景: 具有共產主義風格的市政廳: 波蘭部落的一個原址: 博物館得展示, 這寫手寫真跡真讓人愛不釋手, 手寫的力道深深讓我著迷! 用100%果汁結束一天 - 好吧它太便宜了! 它只有1.5 PLN(0.35歐): #information of how ...

What We Are Crazy About In Asia - 24K Beauty Bar from Japan

What We Are Crazy About In Asia -                                                      24k Beauty Bar Hi,today, I would like to introduce you something interesting from Asia that ladies are crazy about now. " Beauty Bar " - What is this? Well, if you read the name " Beauty" and " Bar", you probably get the idea of this product. Yes - this is something to make you become more beautiful. It is a T-shape bar that you can hold in hand and roll it all over your face. This product marks the following qualification : - It is 24K ( Gold ) , only outter part of this bar. - It vibrates 6000 times / second - It is water proof - Made in Japan According to above qualification, you can tighten the skin on your body, no matter it is the skin around your eyes, your cheek, your neck, even you can use it on your arm and hand. So questions are: - D...

Board game Sunday

2013.March 10 Sunday I met Yanek and 2 new friends and a babe and 1 cat. Yanek and me went to this 2 friends' ( they are spouse ) house for playing board games. I can see these two friends are both decent people. One is TA in University, the other is also English teacher. I am so comfortable with them and their American accent English. :D It is such an exciting thing to me. I do like to play these kind of games , but not so many friends around me play it. It is really nice to meet a group of people who have same interests. So, here are two games we played : Speed Turtle ( this game doesnt take a lot of time, and I won the first round!! hehe  Taliman ( This is a huge game , it could take hours to play it.. but I love it. It is just like Merlin and Game of Throne . Which is with a lot of fantasy elements - Dragon, sword, magic etc )

Spring has come

Spring has come. Recently , Bialystok has a total different face than what she shown me before. In winter, Bialystok is cloudy, moody, down, sad, grey , just like the other european city that so “ EUROPE” in winter. Usually what you can see in the morning is bright grey sky with one or two birds. In winter, bialystok is everywhere white and grey- Sky is light grey, floor is white with thick snow, even the trees are white. Plus the city is always covered by a mysterious foggy mask. Winter for Bialystok is quiet and slow. It is a great season for writing poem. Spring has come. Now, this city looks like somewhere I never been before. Big sun shinning everywhere and every corner of the city. Sun light somehow depicts the contour of the city and shows the beauty of bialystok that I've never seem before. It is a very green city. Even Now some places still cover by snow and ice,I can already see this is a very green city. It has so many trees a...

[ Polish – Taiwanese – French Food Party]

[ Polish – Taiwanese – French Food Party] Sat. night, 15:40pm. Adam and I took bus 10&24 to Paulina. Before we reached Paulina's house, We did not forget to go bieronka to pick some eggs. Near Pualina's house there is a very beautiful church which just looks like a white casstle. Surprisingly, the sound ( bell rings) from this Church is not dan dan dan as usual church bell ring tone. Rather than that it is a cute melody. This melody remind me some video games. For example, in super Mario, there is also same kind of melody when you enter the cattle. So ,my conclusion is this church is just too much like a Castle to me. When Adam and I arrived Paulina's house, its around 16:20pm. There are already many people in the house - Pualina, Piotr, Dominika, Adam ( Dominika's husband), Tymak ( lovely baby from Dominika ) , Paulina's roommate, another blond lady and his son who is 8 years old but looks like 11 years old. So, for not wasting any ti...

[Warsaw trip 1/26-1/27 2013]

[Warsaw trip 1/26-1/27 2013] I took a 5:00 A.M. Bus to warsaw. Bus was actually comfortable but not that warm. Plus I am easy to feel dizzy with cars. The journey to Warsaw is not that pleasure with bus. I arrived Warsaw around 8:10. Yes it is a 3 and half hours journey. In Taiwan, a journey up to 4 hours , most people will think its so long time and rather to choose taking HSR ( High speed rail) rather than a bus. However, here in Europe, it always takes 10 hours up to go anywhere, so you will feel 3.5 hours is pretty near. Compare with the bus in Taiwan,the bus in Poland is very nice. It is clean, warm, dry ( I mean not humid), without strange smell, and has WIFI ( Surprise!!!) It is really a surprise, according to my experiences in Paris, it is damn hard to find A place with WIFI. I actually feel WIFI service is better in Poland than in Paris. At least, when you go to train station, there is free WIFI service. 8:20 I met Anji. He is a very nice gentleman. ...